Youth Physical education services

Our Youth Physical Education classes are designed to truly offer holistic age appropriate education. As you may be aware, health and fitness guidance appropriate for kids, is potentially non-existent, focused on sports, or negligently overwhelming your child's skill capacity.

Our Mission

Our kids deserve a holistic and empathetic approach through the critical years of development where bodies, minds, and personal intentions are most significantly fashioned. We honor the pace of physical, cognitive, and emotional development, and recognize each child is unique in the ratio of growth in these areas. We do not apply an adult/athlete model of high intensity, nor an expectation to be competitive as an end goal. We endeavor to fortify your children with a passion for fitness, self-care, and expressing creativity in how they use fitness throughout their lives.


(6-8 years old)

Pricing from $60 per month. Give us a call for more details and to determine the physical education program that is best for your child.


(9-12 years old)

Pricing from $60 per month. Give us a call for more details and to determine the physical education program that is best for your child.


(13-16 years old)

Pricing from $70 per month. Give us a call for more details and to determine the physical education program that is best for your child.