To be direct, it is your biological and probably your social responsibility to move your body every day in such a way that you honor both your own being, as well as contribute to the lives of those around you. Your cells cannot help but move. Your mind craves movement. Your potential demands that you take action.
To get there, we all need to not just move, but create an understanding of how we can move, such that we can do so everyday, and see a direct effect on our health and ability to help others. This post is not directed at those who want to be competitive in any given sport. That pursuit has its values and compromises worth talking about at another time. Right now, I simply want to pass on some solid knowledge and point your attention in the direction I truly believe is of highest order.
Movement principles to remember:
- Movement moves your blood through your body, and supports recovery, rejuvenation, and of course performance.
- Moving every day creates opportunities for learning through physical activity, adapting, and increasing capacity for stress and application of skills.
- Balance of your time and energy spent moving is based on how balanced you are in exposing yourself too, and recovering from stress in all areas of your life.
- Rhythm can/should adjust to include more skills or time using skills, as you adhere to your own cycle of being able to express, recover, and repeat.
- Movement can be medicine as a therapy, but it can also be a stimulus that forces adaptation. Intentions matter.
- There’s always more to learn, but own the basics with ease as a priority.
Taking these principles one step further into some practical semblance of rhythm and balance, here’s a theoretical template to experiment with:
(The assumption being, your stress management, nourishment, mental health, current medical state, and certainly your sense of purpose allow you to express these styles of movement)
Planning experiences in a theoretic template…
Day 1) Resistance training + Locomotion
Day 2) Nuanced joint care + Cyclical aerobic exercise (bike, jog, swim, etc)
Day 3) Dynamic/Reflexive skill training
Day 4) Nuanced joint care + Locomotion
Day 5) Carrying, pushing/dragging, crawling, climbing, and roughhousing/grappling
Day 6) Cyclical aerobic exercise + Nuanced joint care
Day 7) Locomotion for max time (available)
Take the above and run with it. It’s been thought through thoroughly. Furthermore, this example was introduced to me, and I gladly pass it on.
Connecting these principles to an explicit proposal, here’s our offer to you:
To learn how to bring your lifestyle to a point where you can apply a template like this, as well as learn what movements to use, loading to use, volume to use, and how to progress any given skill, check out OPEX Lancaster, and schedule a conversation with one of our coaches. This is exactly what we are trained and qualified to lead you through, and toward the experience when you have the understanding and can manage this all on your own.